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My World ABA Discusses Top ABA Treatment Practices

Part of having a child with ASD is finding a learning routine that works for them, and then building on it. My World ABA understands the needs per family will vary depending on the needs of their child with ASD. In today’s blog My World ABA will provide some ABA treatment practices for reference. 

What Is ABA?

To clarify, ABA is known by the American Psychological Association as Applied Behavior Analysis. It is credited as an evidence-based practice and is supported by peer-review as a style of treatment. ABA Therapy is used to treat developmental issues with communication, fine motor skills, and behavior disorders. 

Why Use It?

ABA is used as a positive reinforcement style of treatment. Children receiving ABA are often rewarded for their positive behavior versus punished for negative behavior. 

The goal is behavior replacement; by targeting the part of the brain that builds patterns and recognizes them later, it is possible to enforce a positive experience with the change of behavior. 

This teaches the child that the behavior is worth repeating, thus allowing them to learn social skills, behavior modification, and coping skills. 

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ABA Treatment Practices

Examples of treatment include:

  • Use of rewards as positive reinforcement.
  • Symbols and pictures as communication.
  • Modeling, or demonstrating behavior that is desired. 
  • A combination of the above.

Ultimately, how a child learns is influenced by their environment and their natural responses to their environment. The goal with ABA and ASD is to model an environment that is realistic for the child to learn to cope within. This will prepare them for living independently later in life.

My World ABA On ABA Practices

Our team at My World ABA focuses on teaching each individual that passes through our doors what it means to be a kind, well-adjusted, and autonomous individual. We believe it is kind to teach people to function optimally within the beautiful boundaries of their world. If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about our services, contact us online or call (417) 818-5784.