In public education, there is no one-size-fits-all method for learning, especially for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Some autistic children learn well in a standard school setting and may even excel well above their peers in subjects. For others, they learn best in a more personalized environment, and that is where IEPs come into play.
My World ABA explains IEPs and how they can benefit an autistic child.
What is an IEP?
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a plan that outlines the education needs of a child with a disability. This can include physical disabilities like hearing loss or cerebral palsy, or mental disabilities that may inhibit learning at a normal pace.
The IEP is a document that covers what the school district and child’s parents expect for the school year and what special requirements the child might need to be successful. It is not a lesson plan or contract of any kind, as it acts as an outline of what special services the child might need, including action plans and measurable goals.
How is an IEP created?
When it is determined that a child would benefit from having an IEP, the school district and the child’s parents will have a meeting where they discuss and document the child’s needs, and how to help the child achieve their educational goals.
The district and parents will work together to create an IEP document that meets the federal requirements set up by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
What does an IEP contain?
There are several parts that an IEP must contain by law, including:
- A current analysis of the child’s academic performance and where they stand
- A list of measurable goals to achieve throughout the year
- Supplemental services the child will need
- Program modifications that will help the child meet their goals
- Description of how the child will participate with nondisabled students
The IEP can also contain emergency plans, who to contact in certain situations, and any other accommodations the parents or school district feel are necessary.
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My World ABA provides IEP support in Springfield, MO
As one of our services, My World ABA provides IEP support and education for families. We can assist you in making sure your child’s IEP contains everything necessary for them to be successful in their education and help you advocate for your child’s best interests.
My World ABA Offers IEP and Autism Services in Springfield and Joplin
My World ABA is the leading center for ABA treatment in both Springfield and Joplin, MO. Our team works with your child using certified ABA therapy techniques to help them learn more about themselves and the world around them. We support your child by creating an inclusive environment where they can play, build friendships, and be themselves. To learn more about our services or answer additional questions, visit our website online or call (417) 818-5784 today.